This is the road of me discovering my roots, my Cuban roots, finding many things of my personality and my essence that at some point I didn’t understand because I was blindsided.
To understand this road, you need to hear my story. With a Colombian mother and a Cuban father, I was born in Havana but raised in Bogotá since I was a baby and didn’t return to Cuba until I was an adult. Hence, this is a portrait of the recognition process of a part of my life I didn’t know and was missing, discovering almost with virgin eyes and for the first time my second nationality, my origin, and my father’s.
Finding myself with a magical place that in its sounds, smells, colors, and scenes made me feel that I belonged, that like a magnet I was attracted and I began to portray that process, understanding the history of my ancestors, the melodies that activate the creative part of my brain, my taste for art and culture, for and old aesthetic and the value of recursiveness, finding not only beautiful things but also many difficulties in people’s lifestyle that are inspiring because despite all the limitations the positive attitude comes first, the recursiveness and intelligence can solve everything.
The sea calls me, demands that I return to my origins and my whole body feels it when I’m close to it, giving peace to my spirit.